Remote work is increasingly present in companies. According to an Ifop study for Malakoff Médéric Humanis, teleworking increased in 2018 in the private sector, with 29% of employees practicing it occasionally or regularly, compared to 25% in 2017. The flex office is a trend that is part of this evolution, and that allows employees to work more flexibly, whether they are in the office or outside. But setting it up is not always easy, especially if your employees are not used to this way of working. Here are some tips to help your employees adopt the flex office.

Introduce the concept and explain the importance of adopting the flex office in companies

Flex office is an increasingly popular flexible working approach in modern companies. The flexible office allows employees to choose their own workspace based on their daily needs, rather than being assigned to a fixed workstation. It can improve their productivity and well-being, allowing them to work in a comfortable environment suitable for their work. In addition, companies can reduce workspace costs by adopting flex office, as they do not need to rent a large office for each employee. In summary, the flex office offers companies a flexible and cost-effective approach to improving the work experience of their employees.

Showcase the benefits of flex office for your team

The flex office has many advantages for your team. First of all, it allows employees to work in a comfortable environment adapted to their missions, which can improve their productivity and well-being. By giving employees the opportunity to choose their own workspace according to their needs, they can focus on their tasks and be more efficient. In addition, the flex office offers more flexibility to team members, improving their work-life balance, while contributing to better satisfaction and retention. Finally, this approach encourages collaboration and exchange between colleagues, creating a stimulating work environment that can improve their engagement and overall performance. Adopting the flex office can offer your team a more dynamic and motivating work environment.

Develop an action plan to adopt the flex office in your company

Implementing the flex office in a company requires careful planning to ensure that it works effectively. Here are some tips for developing an action plan:

  • It is important to conduct a thorough assessment of the current workspace. This will help you understand which areas are most used and which are less crowded, allowing you to better allocate space accordingly.
  • Consider the specific needs of your business and employees. Listen to feedback and suggestions from your team members to understand their workspace preferences and needs.
  • Also, be sure to have clear protocols in place for booking workspaces. Set up a simple, easy-to-use system to allow workers to reserve workspace when they need it.

  • Establish a clear communication plan to inform team members of upcoming changes. Be sure to explain the benefits of flex office and answer any questions or concerns they may have.

Hold an exchange of information and reflection with your collaborators on the advantages and limitations of flexible office

When implementing the flex office in a company, it is important to hold an exchange of information and reflection with employees to discuss the advantages and limitations of this approach. Indeed, by involving team members in thinking and decision-making, you can gather important feedback on how to implement flex office effectively and fairly.

It also helps understand the preferences and needs of each team member, which can help you tailor the workspace accordingly. In addition, the exchange of information and reflection can help clarify everyone’s expectations and roles, as well as establish clear protocols for the reservation of workspaces.

Finally, discussing the benefits and limitations of flexible offices with employees can help strengthen team engagement and participation in implementing this new way of working. By understanding the potential benefits, such as improved work-life balance, flexibility, and collaboration, team members can be more motivated and engaged in transitioning to this new model.

Carry out the action plan developed and monitor the adoption of the flex office in your company

Once you have developed a solid action plan to implement flex office in your company, it is important to put mechanisms in place to monitor the adoption of this approach and to make adjustments if necessary. Here are some tips:

  • Appoint someone responsible for implementing and monitoring the action plan. This person should be able to monitor progress on a regular basis and ensure that measures are implemented on schedule.
  • Organize training sessions for team members to explain the new procedures and help them adapt to the new work model. You can also conduct regular surveys to gather feedback from team members and make improvements if necessary.
  • Monitor the use of workspaces and equipment to optimize the use of it and ensure that everything is used efficiently. You can use Doflex’s tracking tools to monitor and analyze your spaces through different statistics. This will allow you to rearrange them if necessary.
  • Celebrate successes and share results with team members. If the flex office is set up well, it can improve the work experience of employees and the productivity of the company. By sharing them, you strengthen the commitment and motivation of team members to this innovative and flexible approach.