The layout of offices in companies is a subject that fascinates many decision-makers. Indeed, the way offices are arranged has a direct impact on the productivity and well-being of employees. More and more companies are opting for a flex office layout, whether they are large or small. But what exactly is a flex office? What are the advantages of switching to a flex office for your business?

What is a flex office?

A flex office is a shared workspace where employees can work flexibly, face-to-face or teleworking. Flexible offices are generally equipped with several workstations, meeting rooms and relaxation areas (rest room, kitchen, etc.). Employees can choose to work in a private office or in an open space, depending on their needs. Flex offices are usually located in central locations, such as city centers or airports, so that employees can easily access them. As a company, you are probably wondering if you should switch to a flex office. Let’s see together in the rest of this article.

Improving quality of life at work

The flex office is simply a workspace layout that promotes flexibility and employee mobility. This means employees can work as they please, wherever they want, whether in a meeting room, in a common space, or even remotely.

By moving from the traditional office to common areas, the flex office offers much more conviviality, exchange, meeting, collaborative work … Remote work or teleworking is based on autonomy, which is well conducted, promotes employee engagement. Additionally, it reduces fatigue and wasted time in transport, while increasing productivity.

Increased employee productivity and performance

The flex office is a real boost for productivity and creativity. Indeed, the employee can choose according to his tasks, his workspace where he is comfortable. If he needs peace of mind for tasks requiring a lot of concentration, he will prefer teleworking. This possibility of being able to organize one’s working time is a real source of motivation for employees.   

Lower business operating costs

The implementation of the flex office within a company makes it possible to reduce its operating costs in the first place. Indeed, it no longer needs large office areas and can save on rent (between 20 and 30% per year). By reducing the costs of the real estate footprint, the structure lowers insurance, electricity bills… 

The flex office also makes it possible to better manage the work environment and reduce the number of unoccupied offices. The company no longer needs to pay for unused square meters or expensive equipment.

Is the flex office suitable for all types of companies?

Flexible office environments are suitable for a wide range of business types. Those with fluctuating headcount or who need temporary workspace may benefit from using flexible office space. Startups and small businesses can also find an advantage in using these spaces, as they can scale quickly and often need a scalable workspace.

If you have questions about the implementation of flex office within your company, do not hesitate to contact our expert to learn more about our solution.