Smart Meeting

organisation de réunion

Your meeting spaces available for teamwork

meeting idées en équipe

You have certainly encountered difficulties in accessing a meeting room: large room occupied by few people, meeting cancelled and impossible to know … Time and wasted space that will no longer happen by adopting the DoFlex solution. The online booking system allows you to visualize in real time the spaces which are occupied or not, the days of availability to organize your work meetings. Our sensors detect the presence of employees and vacate the room if it is unoccupied after a certain period of time.

Optimize teamwork

Book your business meetings with ease

The implementation of meetings within a company is essential for cohesion and teamwork. Employees prepare them in advance and they require a certain organization: availability, invitation, agenda…

The DoFlex application analyzes your meeting rooms in real time and synchronizes the calendars of your work tool.

No more reserved meeting rooms but empty!

In case of unforeseen events, our sensors detect whether the space is occupied or not and vacate the room after a few minutes. Thus, it is again available and bookable for other business meetings.

Our solution allows you to send reminders and notifications to the people concerned so as not to miss work meetings, thanks to synchronization with professional calendars (Outlook, Gmail …).

booking réunion

An optimized flex office

Integration with your hybrid work tools

In order to offer you an efficient and optimized solution, the DoFlex application integrates with your many work tools: Outlook, Google, Slack, Microsoft 365 … The reminder and notification system allows employees to manage work without stress.

Get started in
the smart office

Take your business to the next level! Smart office management brings more satisfaction to your employees, saves money on the structure and reduces your environmental impact in the long term.


DoFlex is a company that is aimed at companies, office property managers and coworking spaces. We have developed a white label application to facilitate flexible working for employees. Thanks to an instant booking system, workspace management has never been easier

The company


Doflex Lab – 2001 Boulevard Robert Bourassa Suite 1700, Montréal, QC H3A 2A6

Offices : Canada : Vancouver, Montréal
France : Antibes

All rights reserved © 2023 Doflex